Will be at PAX Unplugged 2018!

While we won't be able to bring the Wheelchair accessible RPG Bus & RPG Trailer due to the weather in the Northeast this time of year, RPG Tour's creator, Hawke Robinson will be speaking on multiple panels, and available to meet in person all weekend. Come by & chat!

We will be speaking at PAX Unplugged 2018 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, at multiple events.

The convention runs November 30th through December 2nd.

Join the panels, round tables, and meet in person. Hope you will join us!


Day/Time: FRI 11/30 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Panel: Roll for Healing: Therapeutic Game Master Roundtable

Location: LEVIATHAN THEATRE, Philadelphia

Description: The therapeutic use of role-playing games has all but hit the mainstream. Join us for a discussion between the top minds in the field of therapeutic role-playing about what makes their approaches similar, what defines them, and how you can make your own game better for you and your players.


  • Hawke Robinson [Recreational Therapist, Founder, RPG Research] Emai: hawke at rpgresearch dot com  Cell/text: (509) 481-5437
  • Adam Davis [Executive Director / Therapeutic Game Master, Game to Grow]
  • Adam Johns [Executive Director / Therapeutic Game Master, Game to Grow]
  • Raffael Boccamazzo [Clinical Director, Take This]
  • Megan Connell [Therapist, Southeast Psych]
  • Jack Berkenstock [Executive Director, Bodhana Group]



Day/Time: SAT 12/01 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Panel: Bringing Others to the Table

Location: LEVIATHAN THEATRE, Philadelphia

Description: RPGs are for everyone. Why wouldn’t they be? We want as many friends around the table as we can get! However, there are sometimes barriers - both obvious and subtle, physical and cultural - to people joining in on the fun. Join Take This and our panel of inclusivity activists as they discuss their barriers to play, as well as their practical tips on how to include diverse groups of people at your table.


Want to meet founder of RPG Research and RPG Therapeutics LLC president in person between events?


Contact: Hawke Robinson

Email: rpgtherapeutics@gmail.com

Cell/text: (509) 481-5437

Twitter: @rpgtherapy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rpgresearch

See you at PAX unplugged!

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